Kristen Dart for Public Safety Statement on Recent Harassing Behavior Directed Towards Women and Girls in Our Community
August 29, 2023
As a community we were made aware of a disturbing social media account that is clearly targeting women and girls by posting unconsented pictures and videos. Any repetitive harassing and threatening behavior directed specifically at one group suggests the potential for future harm and must be investigated to the fullest extent.
The objectification of women and girls contributes towards violence against them. The presence of this harassing behavior in our community is unsettling and unacceptable. I appreciate SSPD’s public commitment to take this matter seriously, because it is warranted.
If you witness or are subjected to harassing behavior, this bystander intervention guide from Right To Be is a good resource. It focuses on The 5Ds, which are “different methods you can use to support someone who’s being harassed, emphasize that harassment is not okay, and demonstrate to people in your life that they too have the power to make our communities and workplaces safer.”